Together We Rise! (Registration required)
On October 22nd, we are celebrating the strength and collective action of our communities to shape a recovery that leaves no one behind. As individuals and as communities, it is hard to not feel divided and discouraged as we experience the layered crises of widening inequality, the ongoing pandemic, devastating wildfires, racialized violence, and gun violence. Our work builds hope and unity, forming the strong arms that hold each other up to look towards victory ahead.
This year’s Champions for Change partnership celebration, Together We Rise!, lifts up the work that we do together, as leaders on the job and in our cities, to:
Defend everyone’s right to a voice and a vote,
Ensure that every job is a good job providing a family sustaining wage, dignity, and safety,
Create affordable housing and healthy neighborhoods for all of us.
And it brings all of us — from community organizing, labor, business, philanthropy, and government — together to congratulate and be inspired by the courageous actions of the people and organizations working every day to realize a just and truly inclusive Silicon Valley.