“More Taiko!”

“More Taiko!” is San Jose Taiko’s new song-sharing initiative for the world taiko community.  We are excited to share select San Jose Taiko pieces under Copyleft Sharealike with Attribution. This means you can play and modify these songs, even for commercial purposes, as long as you attribute San Jose Taiko. If you make changes, you must release those changes as copyleft.

San Jose Taiko compositions available to learn through our More Taiko song sharing initiative.

  • Yorokobi Taiko - composed by Steve Yamaguma, 1974

  • Balance - composed by Geoff Noone, 2019

Click on the photos below to learn more about the pieces and to view the videos and learning materials for each song.


Please read and follow the guidelines below as you learn and play these pieces.

You’re welcome to:

  • Take photos and videos of yourself/your group practicing or performing these songs and share those online via social media or other video sharing sites.

  • Include this music in a free or paid performance - Please credit the piece as “[Name of Song],” composed by San Jose Taiko in writing (if applicable) or verbally at the performance.

  • Download the notation from the San Jose Taiko website and duplicate it.

  • Arrange the song to the suit the group performing it, as long as the rearrangement  maintains the integrity of the original piece. Any revised arrangements must be released as copyleft.

  • Change the musical score to reflect the arrangement as permitted above.

  • Use a recording of your own performance of the music (audio and/or video) for other purposes (e.g. as background music, on a CD or DVD produced by your group, etc.).

Please do not:

  • Change the title of the piece.

  • Create and perform arrangements that do not maintain the original integrity of the piece.

  • Edit or use audio or video recordings of San Jose Taiko playing the piece shared on this website for anything other than teaching purposes.

We would love to see you all performing our More Taiko music! If you play any of these songs, please share videos on your social media with the hashtag #moretaiko and tag us @sanjosetaiko


If a San Jose Taiko song hasn’t been expressly released under this initiative, then please do not learn, play, or perform that piece.


Please email info(at)taiko.org if you're unsure of anything we’ve outlined for “More Taiko!”.